Blu-ray: We've Won!
Sony says it will boast of the "victory" in promotional campaigns.

Fueled by some recent sales reports, Sony says it will soon market Blu-ray as the winner in the high-def DVD format war. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president David Bishop tells Video Business that consumers no longer have to wonder which format will prevail.“I think finally everything that we knew going into this format has started to happen,” Bishop told the publication. "We have a critical mass of content, we have the biggest mass of consumer electronics companies in the world supporting this format. That has moved Blu-ray into the forefront.”

Bishop notes that Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD movies and TV shows in January by a two to one margin. He also says Blu-ray players are outselling HD-DVD players in part because of the launch last November of the PlayStation 3, which has a Blu-ray player inside.

Bishop notes that Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD movies and TV shows in January by a two to one margin. He also says Blu-ray players are outselling HD-DVD players in part because of the launch last November of the PlayStation 3, which has a Blu-ray player inside.
"The message that we’re going to put out to the consumer now is, now it is safe to make a choice,” Bishop says. “No more fence-sitting is needed.”
However, HD-DVD backers say there were more Blu-ray DVD sales in January because there were more Blu-ray titles released during the month. In addition, some retailers told Video Business that Sony's declaration of victory may not mean much to consumers.